The catastrophic Purge War at the end of the twenty-first century destroys planet Earth, jeopardizing the future for the remnants of humanity. Horrific repercussions roll across the ages until, generations later, a scientific group called the Time Forward Project harnesses a deep-space wormhole in which they can travel through time. They find the portal unstable and shrinking, but they have little choice but to take desperate, drastic measures and journey back to prevent the war.
Kristen Winters is an angry, determined young woman who is fed up with the miserable circumstances that life doles out. In a bold move, she escapes and undergoes the horrific genetic modification to become a warrior-like time agent. As the protege of the tough, cantankerous Richard Kants, her potential threatens to overtake his prowess. Kants has his own motives for changing the past, and he orchestrates his own scheme on the side to improve the odds. Their uneasy partnership dissipates when he is assassinated by a rival group from the future called the Keplers, who thwart their missions at every turn.
With his death, Kristen mysteriously finds herself newly partnered with a bewildered man from the early twenty-first century. Hunter Coburn is a hot shot AI scientist who works for the FBI. He has pending wedding plans, a high-paying job he loves, and is a geek with an I-Want-It-All attitude, but suddenly must make sense of the glimpses of the future he sees in freakish jumps.
A provocative, imaginative, and endlessly compelling work of science fiction, Future's Dark Past signals the arrival of a distinctive new voice and a story that will simultaneously haunt and electrify you.
science fiction novel time travel
Generations from now, the future of humanity is grim. To save their fate, the Time Forward Project pins their hopes on their force-of-nature time agent, Kristen Winters. She's sent on missions into the past through an unstable wormhole in deep space, attempting to change historical events.
The group determines that the bombing of the Masjid Alahmari Mosque in Manhattan is the trigger to a nuclear conflict on Earth that leads to the post-apocalyptic predicament they inherited. Kristen and her partner, present-day hotshot AI scientist Hunter Coburn, embark on a last-ditch effort to prevent the destruction. The duo is drawn into the Dark Void, a tantalizingly dangerous augmented reality, risking Hunter's powerful AI, Comperi. They plow through nearly insurmountable odds but are astounded to come face-to-face with an even more formidable foe.
Time Unfolded is a fascinating exploration of how the past holds the key to humanity's survival and the lengths we will go to protect it. Buckle up―this extreme adrenaline-fueled race through time will both vex and electrify you. science fiction novel time travel.
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